list of Ivy League colleges/ Universities in the USA

We have a list of Ivy League colleges/ Universities in the USA. They are the most prestigious universities in the world

Ivy League schools are renowned universities in the USA. The members are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University. The Ivy League was established in 1954 with 8 teams, and its headquarters is in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

Read More: Best Consultancy in Nepal for USA.

list of Ivy League colleges/ Universities in the USA

The following are Ivy League schools in the USA.

S.NName of the UniversityLocationFounded
1Princeton UniversityPrinceton, New Jersey1746
2Harvard UniversityCambridge, Massachusetts1636
3Yale UniversityNew Haven, Connecticut1701
4University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania1740
5Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode Island1764
6Columbia UniversityNew York1754
7Cornell UniversityIthaca, New York1865
8Dartmouth CollegeHanover, New Hampshire1769

Acceptance Rate of Ivy League School

Following are the Acceptance Rates of Ivy League Schools.

S.NName of the UniversityAcceptance Rate
1Princeton University5.7%
2Harvard University3.2%
3Yale University6.6%
4University of Pennsylvania6.5%
5Brown University5.1%
6Columbia University4%
7Cornell University7.5%
8Dartmouth College6.4%

Application Fees of Ivy League Schools.

Following is the information on Application Fees of Ivy League Schools.

S.NName of the UniversityApplication Fees
1Princeton University$75
2Harvard University$85
3Yale University$80
4University of Pennsylvania$75
5Brown University$75
6Columbia University$85
7Cornell University$80
8Dartmouth College$85

Note: Some Universities provide application fee waivers as well.

Average Tuition Fees in Ivy League Schools

Following is the information on average tuition fees in Ivy League Schools.

S.NName of the UniversityAverage Tuition Fees
1Princeton University$80,415
2Harvard University$83,538
3Yale University$85,120
4University of Pennsylvania$85,738
5Brown University$83,686
6Columbia University$86,097
7Cornell University$83,196
8Dartmouth College$83,802

Note: The Average Tuition Fees are before scholarships and financial aid.

English Langauge Proficiency Score for Ivy League School

Following is the information on English language proficiency scores for Ivy League Schools.

S.NName of the UniversityIELTSPTETOEFL
1Princeton University8.0 Band70100
2Harvard University7.5 Band75100
3Yale University7.0 Band70100
4University of Pennsylvania7.5 Band70100
5Brown University8.0 Band105
6Columbia University6.5 Band6899
7Cornell University7.5 Band70100
8Dartmouth College7.0 Band52105

Standardized Test Score for the Ivy League Schools

Following are the SAT, GRE, and GMAT requirements for the Ivy League School.

S.NName of the UniversitySATGREGMAT
1Princeton University1560324556
2Harvard University1580324.5500
3Yale University1560320720
4University of Pennsylvania1440321733
5Brown University1560321700
6Columbia University1500314729
7Cornell University1480323.5710
8Dartmouth College1450322750

Other Important Links

a. Process of Study in USA from Nepal.

b. Students SEVIS Visa Fee for USA.

c. SAT Accepting Universities in the USA.

d. High Acceptance Rate Universities in the USA.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Ivy League colleges are there in the United States?

= There are 8 Ivy League Colleges in the USA. They are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University.

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